About Me
Courses Taught
Professional Bodies
Research Projects

About Me

Full Name:
Contact Number:
03-89212020 Ext: 2213
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Academic Qualifications

  1. Ph.D (Polymer Engineering), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2009
  2. M.Eng.(CIM), Anna University, 2002
  3. PG.Diploma (Plastics Engieering), Central Institute of Plastics Engg & Technology, 1995
  4. B.Eng.(Mechanical Engineering), Madras University, 1994

Working Experiences

Position Place of Work Start End
Senior Lecturer Universtiy Tenaga Nasional 2010 2024
Associate Professor Universiti Tenaga Nasional 2015 2022
Senior Lecturer AIMST University 2006 2010
Lecturer AIMST University 2002 2006
Lecturer BSA University (Formerly: Crescent Engg College) 1997 2002
Production Engineer Al-Jawdah Industry 1996 1997

Courses Taught

  1. MEFB1012 - Manufacturing Processes Laboratory
  2. MEFB121 - Manufacturing Processes Lab.
  3. MEFB211 - Manufacturing Processes Lab
  4. MEFB213 - Manufacturing Processes
  5. MEFB4023 - Computer Aided Manufacturing
  6. MEFB4033 - Digital Manufacturing
  7. MEFB473 - Computer Aided Manufacturing
  8. MEHM563 - Mechanics Composite Material
  9. MEMB113 - Engineering Graphics and CAE
  10. MESB4013 - Electro-Mechanical Systems
  11. MESB433 - Controls of Mechatronic Systems
  12. MESB443 - Electro-Mechanical Systems

Professional Bodies

  1. The Plastics and Rubber Institute Malaysia: Member- 2012

Research Projects

  1. Development of high performance TiO2 using new dopants and binders.
  2. Effect of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness Of MWCNT Reinforced Epoxy Composite Using End-Milling Process
  3. Machinability and Surface Morphology of Halloysite Nanotube (HNT)-Aluminium/Epoxy Composite Board fo
  4. Optimization Of Process Parameters For Injection Moulded Modified Pva Biomimetic Composite Part


  1. PROF. MADYA DR. MOHAMED ANSARI MOHAMED NAINAR; Photovoltaic Solar Cells: A Review.; Applied System Innovation; Volume :5, Issue No :4, Article ID :https://doi.org/10.3390/asi5040067, Page Start :1, Page End :17, ISSN :2571-5577; 01 Jul 2022; Journal; ISI
  2. PROF. MADYA DR. MOHAMED ANSARI MOHAMED NAINAR; Numerical Analysis And Performance Study Of A Double-Heterojunction Gaas-Based Solar Cell; Journal Of Computational Electronics; Volume :23, Issue No :1, Article ID :https://doi.org/10.1007/s10825-023-02126-5, Page Start :358, Page End :368, ISSN :1569-8025; 05 Mar 2024; Journal; ISI
  3. Herda Yati Binti Katman, Nur Irfah Bte. Mohd Pauzi, PROF. MADYA DR. MOHAMED ANSARI MOHAMED NAINAR; Effect Of Traffic Speed And Loading On The Settlement Of Pavement And Road Embankment On Soft Clay ; International Conference On Sustainable Energy, Infrastructure, And Environment (Icseie2024); Volume :1, Issue No :1, Article ID :1, Page Start :1, Page End :10, ISSN :1; 14 Oct 2024; Journal; Indexing In Progress